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जॉब में क्या करना पड़ता है ?

यदि आप घर पर ही काम करके पैसे कमाना चाहते हैं, तो एक ऐसी वेस्ट जॉब आपके लिए हो सकती है, जिसमें महिलाएं और पुरुष दोनों भाग ले सकते हैं, सभी शादीशुदा या अविवाहित। इस काम में आपको पेंसिल्स पैक करने का काम करना होगा, कंपनी से खाली बॉक्स और पेंसिल्स आपके घर पर पहुँचाए जाएंगे और आपको घर पर ही पेंसिल्स को पैक करना होगा। एक खाली डिब्बे में आपको 10 पीस पेंसिल्स डालनी होगी,

It’s much easier to start a work from home pencil packing business than you may imagine. Start by looking for reliable websites that provide these chances.

Pencil Packing Job Work From Home

Pay close attention to the packaging instructions, concentrate on accuracy, and stay in touch with your manager or the platform. It’s crucial that you complete your duties on schedule, and once you’re done, submit your work for inspection and payment. You may start packing pencils from the comfort of your home with a little effort and dedication to performing a fantastic job.

एक डिब्बा भरने पर आपको ₹6 की मानदेय मिलेगी। इसी तरह के काम के लिए कंपनी से रबर, कटर, पेन और अन्य वस्त्रादि के उत्पादों की डिलीवरी की जाएगी, जिन्हें आपको पैक करना होगा। इस तरीके से, आप महीने में आसानी से ₹25000 से ₹30000 तक कमाई कर सकते हैं।

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Pencil Packing New Job opportunity

revealing pencil's packaging work: exploring requirements and opportunities

re you curious about the intriguing world of Natraj Pencil Packing? Delve into this fascinating realm as we uncover the essential prerequisites and the promising horizons it holds. This unique opportunity combines precision with efficiency, making it an ideal avenue for those seeking a rewarding work experience from the comfort of their home.

Pencil Packing Job Work From Home Call us :


Get Expert Advice

If you want to work from home then this job is best for you. Any person (female / male) can do this job. In this company you will have to do packing work. The packing material (box and pen/pen) will be given to you by the company. You get proper packing in each box

Pencil Packing Job New Jobs Opportunity

Pencil packing job this job is very simple and does not require any special skills Anyone can do this job

  • How To get a job?

    Possibly interested parties for positions pencil packing job Here is the straight link to the pencil packing job from jobs page.

  • How to Candidates Apply ?

    Candidates must thoroughly study the official announcement on the website.

  • Candidates are filled the form?

    Print the form when it has been filled out and submitted.


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